Bombay Taxi Boutique Jewelry

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Swap it out!

A couple of weeks ago, my fabulous friend Sara invited me to a clothing swap with some of our mutual friends. The premise was this: we were each to bring gently used items of clothing, jewelry, handbags, shoes, etc (stuff you could wear in the spring/summer) that we were no longer wearing for whatever reason, and then we would swap clothes with each other. Whatever remained would then be donated to a local women's shelter.

While I eagerly accepted the invite, I was skeptical about what I had to contribute: turns out I had quite a bit of stuff!! Blazers, handbags, shoes that were a size too big that I never wore and never returned, jeans, jewelry... the list went on and on. I hauled my stuff over to Sara's, where she had some incredible lavender lemonade, yummy munchies, and of course wine. After some socializing and catching up, the swap began.

Honestly, I can't remember the last time I had SO much fun shopping: it was great company, and I found some really really fun pieces: a pair of boyfriend jeans, a silk top, a bright orange top, a few belts, a really fun turquoise blue chain link necklace, and a couple of skirts! Over the past two weeks, I've managed to wear everything except one of the skirts: and the best part about it? All that shopping cost me ZERO DOLLARS!!!!

If you have fabulously stylish friends, or friends whose style you admire, I highly recommend you organize a swap party. It was so fun to shop someone else's closet: I ended up with new stuff (new to me anyway) that I may not have picked out myself, and even if I wear it only this season, it doesn't matter, because it was FREE!!! So thanks so much for inviting me, Sara, and I can't wait to do it again for fall/winter!!!!!