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Recovering from Downton Abbey

I've previously blogged about my obsession with Downton Abbey, and Season 3 did nothing to dim my enthusiasm. I'm not going to give anything away about the season, but suffice it to say, there were MANY EXHAUSTING EMOTIONAL ups and downs. For those of you who watched the entire season, you know exactly what I mean....

If the season left you wanting more, albeit with a little levity, I invite you to read Agent Gates and the Secret Adventures of Devonton Abbey (note: its available in kindle format as well!)

I only just started the book, and I absolutely LURVE it so far!! Of course, there is the added appeal of it being a comic book, which makes it an even faster read!! If you do pick it up, let me know what you think! Maybe we can even do a book club meet up (aka excuse to drink wine)?!