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Friday Five 12.20.19: Five Obsessions in 2019

Overall, 2019 was a year of discovery. I had so much time on my hands for the six months I was off between May and November, and I used the time wisely to fall down rabbit holes on all sorts of things, 5 of which endured through the year and will probably continue well into 2020.


Back when I was a teen, I used to read my astrology report every day. In those days, it was a little blurb in the paper broadly for your sun sign. Luckily for us, technology has improved vastly and now there are SO many apps to feed a daily obsession, and even better, 2019 saw some of them give highly personalized horoscopes based on birth time!!! I discovered Co-Star Astrology and The Pattern earlier this year, and have been a regular user since (both apps push notifications to my phone when my horoscope is ready each day).

Harry Styles

I cannot even begin to tell you the number of Harry Styles rabbit holes I’ve fallen down this year. It all started with my favorite book of 2019, where the lead character is inspired by him, and well, that was the end of that. If you’re one of my girl friends in real life, I’m sorry, but you’re going to hear even more about him in 2020 since he’s coming to Cleveland in July. I’m loving his new album Fine Line and listen to it entirely too much, but I have ZERO regrets. Just listen to him cover Lizzo here.


I’ve always loved big cats, but after seeing them up close in their natural habitat, I fell completely in love. We saw lions, cheetahs and caracals during our trip to Tanzania this year, and I can’t stop thinking about seeing Tigers and Leopards in the wild too. I fell so in love that I permanently commemorated lions on my body.

Up close with the Lions in the Serengeti in Tanzania

Cape Town, South Africa

If Cape Town, South Africa is not on your vacation bucket list, you need to put it on immediately. It takes a little bit to get there, but as with everything good, Cape Town is worth the effort. Nick and I immediately commented on how it felt so familiar even though we had never been before. There’s an ocean and beaches, and mountains and wineries and so much stuff to do outdoors, a rich history and amazing people and delicious food. It’s like San Francisco without the tech-bros. I think about Cape Town at least once a week if not more frequently. Definitely one of my favorite cities in the world.


This is a newer obsession - About a month ago I took my first cardio boxing class at Title Boxing in Ohio City and was immediately hooked. I love that it’s a whole body work out in 45 minutes but most of all I love that it’s so upper-body focused. It’s HARD, but not impossible, and I’ve fallen in love with the sound of my glove hitting the bag. It’s definitely both a physical and mental work out and so much fun!! There are several locations across Northeast Ohio and Columbus, and they offer a few free classes to start.

Those are my 5 major obsessions for 2019 - perhaps you’ve been inspired to join me in a few ;) Leave me a comment with a couple of your obsessions of 2019 and perhaps I’ll join you in them in 2020!!!