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2023 Resolutions

Hi there!!

It’s been a minute since I’ve done this - August 2021 to be precise. What have I been up to since then? Well, I changed jobs in October 2021 and came full circle in my career. My current job involves underwriting debt to healthcare institutions across the country. Nick and I traveled to Miami and Italy in 2022, I went to a whole bunch of concerts and really leaned into my love for Harry Styles and pop music, and generally enjoyed life.

I read over 200 books since my last blog post - the reviews for 2021 and 2022’s books are in my Instagram highlights, but I read SO many books in 2022 that I decided to bring back the blog so I could store all the reviews in a spot where they’re easier to search. So here we are.

As is my tradition with my first post of the year, I want to kick off with my 2023 resolutions. In no particular order, this year I want to

  1. Publish a blog post at least once per week - I’ve missed this space so much, and I’m so happy to be back!

  2. Log 12k minutes of me taking care of myself on the Peloton app - I hit 10k minutes this year, and I only earnestly started tracking in late October. These minutes include walking and any meditations via the Peloton app, so this is very doable

  3. Learn Italian - our long-term plan includes spending a lot more time in Italy, and I want to learn the language. I’ve been using Duolingo, which is fine for now, but (a) I need to be way more consistent and (b) I need to graduate beyond Duolingo to a more interactive class with real people

  4. Drink more water - I was doing so well with this and fell completely off the wagon. I want to consistently drink 100oz of water per day (this is not hard for me to do if I pay attention to it)

  5. Meditate for at least 30 minutes per week - every time I resolve to start meditating, I set “meditate every day” goals and immediately fail. A weekly goal feels more achievable - I can do 10 minutes 3x a week, or 5 minutes 6x per week, or anything in between.

To kickstart some of my mental health and physical strength goals, I’m also doing 2 mini-challenges in January.

30x30 challenge: this is 30 minutes of movement (any movement, doesn’t have to be 30 minutes all at once) for 30 days. I usually share my movement in my Instagram stories because it helps keep me accountable. You certainly don’t have to do that if you don’t want to, but the last time I did this, I heard from a lot of you that knowing you had to share made you more likely to move. Participate in whatever way works for you.

5 minutes of abs: This is more of a curiosity thing for me - what would happen if I consistenly exercised my abs for at least 5 minutes a day for a whole month? How much change will I see?

I love the start of a new year for so many reasons, but mostly because I really love the process of setting intentions for a new chapter. I leave you with my vision board for 2023 - I didn’t think too much about it, but added images that appealed to me for a variety of reasons. Some include pictures from 2022 - I want to capture the feelings of those pictures again in 2023. I’m so excited to see what this new year brings!