Bombay Taxi Boutique Jewelry

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Friday Five 3.22.19

Today’s Friday Five is a little different, in no small part because today I’m ending the post with a giveaway!! I usually do these on Instagram, but why should Instagram have all the fun?! But before we get to that, let’s take a look at some of what I’m loving this week!!


If you’ve been following me on my blog for a while, you know I have an inconsistent love affair with yoga. My love for it is constant is inconsistent at best. This year has been different - I’ve been practicing at least 2x each week, and I have to be honest, a lot of the claims made in this article “What happens to your brain and body when you do yoga regularly” have proved themselves true for me. In fact, when I sprained my ankle back in January, I found that my ankle felt better after a gentle yoga practice. This year I want to finally conquer a handstand, and between weights and yoga, I’m hoping this goal is achieved well before the end of the year!

i love plants, but I have a confession. I’m a plant killer. We’re only 3 months into the year and I just accidentally killed one of plants. I just don’t get it - how much water do they need?!!!!!! Apartment Therapy offered some great tips to help keep plants alive longer. I’m going to try these, and hopefully they will work and I will have thriving house plants?


I’m loving this song by Tom Walker! Enjoy

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Make: Nick and I have been making mid-week cocktails. And when I say “Nick and I”, mainly I mean Nick. We’ve been on a Negroni kick lately, but I’ve created a whole pinterest board of cocktails I want to try! There is something super relaxing about a pre-dinner cocktail and little snack - it reminds me of being home in Mumbai. My grandmother has a whiskey every night at 7 pm, so every time I have a midweek cocktail, it’s a nod to her! Cheers!!!

Enter our giveaway for a Bombay Taxi Boutique mystery boxed filled with jewelry valued at $100!

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