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Friday Five 1.1.2021: 5 Things I'm Looking Forward To in January

We made it. We’ve escaped from the dumpster fire of 2020. And while nothing has magically changed today, it’s nice to know that a vaccine is available now and I WILL be on that eligible list sometime this year. In the meantime, here are some small things I’m looking forward to in January.

  1. I really fell off the workout wagon in November and December. But on January 11th I’m starting a six-week at-home workout challenge. I bought some matching workout outfits to get and stay motivated through the entire 6 weeks, and if I stick with it, will reward myself with another.

  2. So excited for my 2021 astrology reading this month! I had my last one right around my birthday so I’m ready for another!

  3. Inauguration Day!!! It’s been a long 4 years - I’m ready for something new and hopeful!

  4. Earlier this week I talked about one of my favorite books of 2020 - A Curse So Dark & Lonely - which is part of a trilogy. I devoured Books 1 & 2 in immediate succession. Book 3 is out on January 26th.

  5. January is all about self-care, and I’m excited to build some new routines - daily meditation, weekly face masks, bi-weekly nail care (I do my hands at home) - little things that make me feel good!

Cheers to new beginnings!

What are you looking forward to this month?