Friday Five 2.21.2020: Survivor - Plant edition (with special help from Urban Planting)

I am a plant murderer. I don’t mean to be, it just happens. The light is weird in our house, and I tend to either underwater or overwater. So I’ve brought in the experts for today’s Friday Five by bringing in the expert team at Urban Planting Cleveland, with 5 recommendations for plants that are hard to kill!

  1. ZZ plant- lighting anywhere from low to bright indirect light. Water thoroughly about once a month. I’ve had one of these for several years now, and it’s still alive!!!!

2. Sansevieria (they have many different varieties)- lighting anywhere from low to bright indirect light. Water thoroughly about once a month. 

3. Cacti (generally speaking)- are the easiest plants to care for IF you have bright lighting.  Very bright light and water only once a month or so. The team at Urban plants tells people to pretend it’s a desert. 

4. Bamboo stem- can be kept in water with rocks etc. to stabilize. Do not require much light and can be kept in a dish with water. (Full disclosure, I’ve accidentally killed these before. It was in a vase, and I just…forgot)

Photo by Elton Sipp on Unsplash

Photo by Elton Sipp on Unsplash


5. Dracaena (also many different varieties) - can grow as taller trees or bushes. Only require medium light and water every 1-2 weeks (sometimes longer)

Thank you so much to Urban Planting for collaborating on this post with me!! If you’re in Cleveland or visiting, I hope you will stop by their super cute store and pick up some plants!! And even if you decide to be a risk taker and pick something other than these 5 plant recommendations, the team at Urban Planting will tell you exactly what you need to do to keep your plant babies alive!!

Surround your home with some greenery in 2020!!!