Product Review: Hope Soap

I first met Nathan earlier in January (which feels like a LIFETIME ago) when we were both taking a photography class with Meg Witt of Six Figs. And that was when I was introduced to his plant-based skincare brand, Hope Soap. Hope soap’s products are all-natural and plant based, and I first decided to try out some of his products in early April when he became one of the very few places that still sold alcohol based hand cleaner!

Say Hi! to Nathan from Hope Soap! This is incidentally one of the first pictures I took in my photo class!

Say Hi! to Nathan from Hope Soap! This is incidentally one of the first pictures I took in my photo class!

I ended up buying a few different products including his hand cleaner spray in both regular and pocket sizes to stash in my car and my bag (because this is where we are now!) but then I also decided to treat myself to one of his body scrubs, and I cannot say enough nice things about them!! I bought the Chill Out and Rose & Oakmoss fragrances and what I love most is that once I use them in the shower, I don’t need to put on lotion after.

That said, if you’re shaving your legs, definitely do that before you use the scrub because otherwise the oils will impact your ability to have a close shave. Between the exfoliation of the sugar scrub and the hydration of the oils, it leaves your skin super smooth and soft. I’ve also been using them on my feet to make up for the lack of pedicures during pandemic.

ahhh this body scrub smells SOOOOO good, like a masculine floral.

ahhh this body scrub smells SOOOOO good, like a masculine floral.

In addition to human goods, Nathan also stocks pet products and a candle collection with funny names and descriptions like “Class of 2020: smells like success and unplanned homeschooling” and “Essential Hero: smells like you need a raise” and while I haven’t tried them yet, they’re definitely on my list for my next order.

In addition to creating really lovely skincare, home and pet products, Nathan also cares deeply about homelessness. Each purchase facilitates handing out necessities like soap to the homeless community in his home town of Akron, and Nathan also helps serve up hot meals to the homeless one Saturday a month. During COVID-19, he’s also working to bring joy to essential healthcare workers at the Western Reserve Hospital in Cuyahoga Falls by allowing customers to choose to donate products as well as making donations himself.

Hope Soap Ohio shared a post on Instagram: "When it comes to washing your face, we got you! Check out all of our face care options!" * Follow their account to see 700 posts.

Hope Soap has a retail store in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio which I hope to visit once quarantine is lifted!

This is not a sponsored post. I like introducing you to brands and products that I’ve bought and LUUUUURVE! Hope Soap is a small business based in Ohio - if you’re buying for yourself or gifting during this time, I hope you will consider supporting small business. If you’re not in a position to shop, you can support Hope Soap by following them on Instagram!