Friday Five 5.22.2020: Summer Florals Edition

As I look back at things I gained during a pandemic, I will remember this as the time I got a LOT better and stronger at yoga, discovered I don’t really hate baking, and started gardening for fun. I love fresh cut flowers, and since I haven’t been going to the grocery store, I’ve missed picking up fresh flowers as part of my weekly pickup. I have two rose bushes that bloom each year, but this year I’ve decided to take it further by planting more flowers for home grown bouquets.

Here’s what I’ve planted this year.

Ranunculus: I bought these online at Eden Brothers. These are a little high maintenance in that I will have to dig up the bulbs after the first frost in the fall but I’m committed to these. I’ve bought from Eden Brothers before and have been happy with

Dahlias: i became obsessed with the idea of growing my own Dahlias after buying some at a Mrs. D’s Dahlias pop up at Studio Chartreuse last year. I bought these bulbs at Eden Brothers as well, and like the Ranunculus, must be removed from the ground in the fall.

Mrs. D's Dahlias Cleveland.jpg

My Instagram friend, Megh Wingenfeld (who I talk to all the time on Insta, but haven’t met in real life) is, among other things, a floral farmer. This year, she’s selling some of her plants, and also doing little IG videos on how to grow flowers. Inspired by Megh, I’m also planting these:

Zinnias: Megh did a video this week about how easy these are to plant, and if I can do them, you can too. So i’m going to my local garden store to pick up some seeds.

I also bought Lisianthus and Gomphrena from Megh, so if you’re in Cleveland and want to buy some flowers, make sure you’re following Megh on Instagram so you can get your hands on some too!