A few things I'm looking forward to in January

Today is the first Monday of the new year, and I’m so excited to dive into the first full week of the year. It sounds crazy, but my schedule is already looking pretty busy with some fun activities this month.

Late last year I signed up for Meg Witt’s Magic Mentorship Photography Workshop, which is three 2-hour classes on how to shoot in manual mode. I had my first class this weekend, and I’m so excited to see how I improve my photography with practice this year! So if you start to see elevated blog photos, you will know how they got here! I have two more classes to go in the next two weekends, and I can’t wait to see how much I improve over our sessions

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My tattoo obsession continues in 2020, and I’m on the schedule to get two little ones from my artist Kelly King at Forest City Tattoo. One is an ode to Star Wars, and the other to my love of books. So yeah, super nerdy.

I’m also looking forward to a new release from the Flight Wine Club that’s happening later this month. I love testing out new wine and Lindsay always makes excellent choices as you may recall from her Thanksgiving Wine recommendations and Must Try Reds for Fall from last year.


I’m also super excited because I joined Book of the Month this month, AND I have my real life book club where we’re reading The Grace Year. I picked an early release historical fiction - Things In Jars - for my first Book of the Month pick. I’ve heard about Book of the Month several times over the past year and decided that 2020 is the year for me to try something new! If you would like to try out Book of the Month, you can get your first book for $5 using my link. You can skip a month if the books don’t interest you or cancel at any time - they make it really easy. And my favorite part is not only do the editors highly curate each month’s picks, but you can pick hyped first releases too!