
Real Fans don't wear Pink Jerseys

Yeah, you read that right. I'm going on the record as saying it. And I'll say it again. Real fans don't wear pink jerseys.

The way I see it, if you're a sports fan, your options at a sporting event are:
(1) Wear your team jersey in your team colors
(2) Wear your team colors but not necessarily a jersey
(3) Wear something that has nothing do with your team colors (but make sure you're not wearing colors of the opposing team either)

BUT the PINK JERSEY?!?! Its a total cop out.

A few years ago, the people that make NFL merchandise finally realized that in fact, there ARE female fans, that would VERY MUCH like to wear team merchandise, and ideally, not in a men's XL. Their first shot was coming up with pink jerseys. FAIL! (some of us went out and bought kids jerseys, and those worked fine).
Luckily, they have redeemed themselves, and launched a whole collection of women's clothing, including jerseys, and they're NOT just pink !!

Ladies, if you're one of those people with the dreaded pink jersey, please, please, please go out and buy a normal one. (If you don't want to pay full price, you can find last year's merchandise at Marshalls at deep discount). And even you're plus size, you don't need to buy a men's jersey; has plus sizes too.

Enjoy football season!!