
A semi-ode to snail-mail

Growing up, I was a big letter-writer. I would write letters to my grandparents and my aunt, and I would be SO excited when I got a reply back. At the time, living at my parents house, it was pretty much the only mail that was addressed to me. Funny how things change in 20-something years. Now I get TONS of mail, 80% of which is stuff I really don't really want/care to see, 8% are coupons, and a mere 2% is fun stuff, and that's usually around the Holidays, when people send Holiday cards (sadly, N and I are not one of those people, but we're going to make a SERIOUS attempt to change that in 2011). Anyway, as a nod to my former love for snail mail, I picked this up at The Cleveland Auction Company a few weeks ago:

How cute is that?!?!? Its a little piggy bank!! Reminds me of visiting my grandparents in London! Hmmm, maybe this is time for a new resolution to send more letters, but since that's realistically not happening, maybe I will just send more cards....