Friday Five 8.21.2020: Bath Bombs

This past weekend I did something I almost never do - I took a mid-day bath. Filled up our massive tub with water, put in a bath bomb, grabbed my kindle, and just soaked in it for a while. It was so relaxing and I definitely want to do it more often. So let’s talk about bath bombs today - sure, you can make your own, but it ranks very low on the list of things I would like to do. So naturally, I buy them instead. Here are some of my favorites.

  1. Lush Bath bombs are my absolute FAVORITES: they are so luxurious and beautifully scented, and they change up their offering frequently to keep it interesting.

  2. I’ve talked about Hope Soap before and I bought some of their bath bombs as a care package for a very close friend who moved away. The reports have been very positive!

  3. I’m obsessed with Ouai’s scents so the Ouai Chill Pill pack was a no-brainer. The jasmine rose scent is so good!

  4. Swedish Dreams makes lovely soaps that remind me me of the ocean, and their bath bombs evoke the same feeling!

  5. I bought a bunch of Old Whaling Co. bath bombs earlier this summer and most of them away as little gifts but I used the Coastal Calm scent this past weekend and loved it!

Today I’m going beyond 5 bath bombs to recommend a few that I haven’t tried yet, but I want to include them because they are created by Cleveland-based small businesses.

  1. The MacBath creates “literary soaps for discerning geeks” and honestly, I’m shocked that I haven’t tried them. Their bath bombs include several Harry Potter and Jane Austen themes!

  2. Soothing Sloth Co has several varieties of bath bombs including bubble bars, which add bubbles to your bath!!

  3. OrganzaNaturals is another local maker with some really nice sounding scents!

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