Friday Five 8.7.2020: Getting over that blah feeling

I’ve been feeling really blah this week. I think it’s partly because COVID just keeps dragging on and on and there’s no timeline for returning to a normal life. And I think it’s partly also because it’s been grey and rainy here, and well, that’s not a great combination. So for today’s Friday Five, I’ve decided to get a little vulnerable and share what I’m feeling these days, and things I’m doing to overcome them.

  1. I haven’t wanted to be outside: My astrologer specifically told me to engage with nature, and I’ve been so meh (and it’s been raining) that I haven’t wanted to go be outside at all. I’m trying to overcome this by bringing the outdoors inside with flower bouquets from my garden, and planning a dinner picnic at the park.

  2. I haven’t wanted to work out. At. All.: I did 20 workouts in July, and this week I just don’t want to do anything at all. This one is harder to overcome, but I’m using Mel Robbin’s 5 second rule to get this done. If you’re not familiar with the 5 second rule, but don’t want to read the whole book (no offense to Mel Robbins but you really don’t need to read it - the back 100 pages are just reiterating the rule and it’s use), take a listen on Blinkist.

  3. I’m in a food funk: I feel like I’ve lost my cooking mojo. Nothing sounds good, and frankly my execution has been off this week. I picked up some new cookbooks from the library to try out some new recipes that I’ve never tried before. I figured that if I don’t know what something is supposed to taste like, I can’t be off on executing the dish?

  4. I feel uncomfortable in my body: This is partly because of (2) and because I’ve objectively been eating too much bread, which I’m not allergic to per se, but I also know that too much of it makes me very bloated. I need to eat more vegetables. The cookbooks I just picked up are both vegetarian books, so I’m trying to add in one new veggie recipe at dinner.

  5. I’ve felt like a blob: This is of my own doing and primarily because I’ve reached the stage of pandemic where I don’t get out of my PJs until very late in the day. I’ve set a personal resolution to shower and put on real clothes before noon each day. So if you start to see pictures of me seemingly overdressed for a work from home day, you’ll know why.

Sometimes it’s good to be in your feelings for a while, but that doesn’t work for me. I don’t like when I’m blah, and while I can’t control the combination of circumstances that have led to me feeling this way, I can do something about it using the tools at my disposal. I’m not back to feeling 100% back to my normal self yet, but I’m feeling better than I was earlier this week, so I’m going to continue to do the things that work for me.

One small note: I know myself enough to know that what I’m feeling is simply the blues and they will be gone shortly. However, if you’ve been feeling the blues for a while, and are having a really hard time getting out of your funk, I strongly encourage you to speak with a professional. If you have someone you work with, please reach out to them, or you can try some of the online options like BetterHelp or TalkSpace or similar.

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