How to cleanse and recharge your healing crystals

I’ve said this a few times on this blog now - I don’t necessarily believe in woo-woo stuff, but I also don’t not believe either. You know I LOVE astrology, and while I mainly buy crystals in jewelry form because they’re pretty. Every now and then, I find myself wondering if I should be taking better care of said crystals. Should I be cleaning or recharging them to maximize their good vibes?

There are a few ways to cleanse and recharge crystals that go from passive to very involved. Here they are in order from most passive to most active.

Outside: On the passive end, you can leave them in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours each, or you can get the benefit of both and leave them outside for a 12 hour period overnight. A few people I know tie this into their own full moon rituals, and that’s a great way to do it too.

With Water: This only works with non-porous, non-fragile stones like quartz - you can either run them under running water (about 1 minute per stone) or you can submerge them in salt water for a few hours. If you live by the ocean, you can use that, or you can mix in a spoonful of sea salt or Himalayan salt in a bowl of water.

Smudging: You can smudge your stones in the smoke of sage, or ethically sourced palo santo, or really any smudging stick you may already own.

Sound bath: If you’re taking a sound bath yoga class in person or online (Alo Moves has some great ones) take your crystals with you and let the sound wash over them.

Meditate & Visualize: Meditate while you hold your stones and visualize your hands being filled with bright energetic light, imagining impurities leaving your stone. Continue doing this until you feel like your stone has been recharged.

Does any of this work? At the end of the day, whether this works or not is entirely up to you. If you believe it works, then it does. And if going through any of these rituals, especially the more active ones, makes you feel better and more grounded, and breathe easier, then consider that a 100% success.

If you’re looking to test out some crystal healing powers yourself, jewelry is a great place to start. We have a number of new stone and crystal pieces in the store, with more coming weekly, so I hope you will go check them out!

If you like this post, you may also like this gift guide for your spiritual, mystical, woo-woo friend. More woo-woo gift ideas can be found here.

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