Friday Five 9.25.2020: 5 podcasts you should be listening to this Fall

One of my favorite things about a new season is that there are all sorts of new things to experience. This fall has a real boon for new podcasts, and today I want to talk about 5 new podcasts, that are available for free on your favorite podcast platforms.

  1. Who We Are: Created by Ben & Jerry’s and Vox, this podcast explores the history of racism in America. I didn’t learn a whole lot about American history growing up in India, so everything I’ve learned has been as an adult. And it’s only been relatively recent that I’ve realized that “who tells the story” strongly determines what stories are told. This podcast explores how racism has been woven into the very fabric of America. If you’ve been questioning if systemic racism is real, or want to learn more about the effects of historical racism on current systems, this podcast offers a perspective. Listen to this with curiosity and an open mind and I promise you will get a LOT out of it.

  2. Luminary Spotlights: The Trevor Noah Podcast: I could listen to Trevor Noah all day. I explored a Luminary subscription at one point, just to get this podcast, and then much to my surprise and delight, it’s now on Apple podcasts too! Smart, witty and informative. This podcast is very different from The Daily Show (Ears Edition) in that it takes a deep dive into one current topic rather than being daily news.

  3. Sway: Longtime Tech journalist and podcaster Kara Swisher is back with another podcast, this time in collaboration with The New York Times. Sway is about power - who has it, who doesn’t, and who rebels against it. Listen to Kara’s interviews with some of the most powerful people today.

  4. In Vogue: The 1990s: The 90s were such a great time in fashion and fashion magazines. The internet was new, websites were janky AF, and you still had to flip through magazines to learn fashion trends. The supermodels were EVERYWHERE (remember the iconic Freedom 1990 video?!), and we went from the hangover of the 80s to grunge, to Carolyn Bissette Kennedy minimalism — what a decade. This podcast, produced by Anna Wintour and Vogue and hosted by Hamish Bowles is a great throwback to that time.

  5. The Yes Theory Podcast: This podcast by Headspace studios and The Yes Theory, is a self-improvement podcast that explores personal growth through discomfort. If you like the calm soothing vibes of the Headspace app, this one has that same vibe but explores more complex questions through interviews with experts and special guests.

Have you listened to any new podcasts lately? Let me know in the comments!

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