Friday Five 10.18.2019 - The Fall Fragrance edition

I’m a huge fan of fragrance - I wear perfume every single day, and I absolutely love home scents too. With Hygge season firmly here, I’ve been stocking up on fall candles. Although if you’re like me and loathe fake pumpkin spice smells, I’m happy to say there are a lot of stylish, sophisticated scent profiles, and I’m sharing 5 of them in today’s Friday Five!!

Thanks to L’or de Seraphine (left) and 1820 House (top and right) for gifting me these fabulous fall candles!

Thanks to L’or de Seraphine (left) and 1820 House (top and right) for gifting me these fabulous fall candles!

Poppy by L’or de Seraphine: L’or de Seraphine is a newer candle brand, based right here in Cleveland. They pair natural scents with beautiful ceramic containers (that come with lids) so you can reuse them once you’re done with the candle. Their poppy scent smells like spiced citrus and berries - both tart and warm.

Indian Summer by 1820 House: 1820 House is another Ohio based home scent creator - they’re based a little further south in East Palestine, Ohio. I’ve bought a few of their scents from Cleveland stockists in the past, and always enjoyed them. Their Indian Summer smells like mulled cider and crisp leaves and leaves your house smelling like fresh baked apple pie without any of the calories!!

Citrus and Moss by 1820 House: This one smells like a sexy mountain man - spicy and earthy.

Fiery Buns by Flores Lane: I own several candles by Flores Lane, a LA based candle company, and their scents never disappoint. Fiery Buns smells like a cinnamon roll by the campfire!

Teakwood & Tobacco by P.F. Candle Co: This is another LA based candle company, but you can find their candles locally at Urban Outfitters and a few local boutiques too. I liked this candle so much I also bought the fragrance as incense sticks!! This is another very masculine scent - it reminds me of a more appealing old school Abercrombie store - you know when they used to spray the mannequins with cologne every hour? Yeah that smell, but in a pleasant, not-obnoxious way.

Do you have a favorite fall scent? Please do share!!