Getting to 100 books in 2019

Earlier this week I shared that I’m only 5 books away from reading 100 books in 2019. And the number one question I got back was “How did you read so many”. So today I figured I would share how this happened.

I was funemployed for 6 months this year. There is NO way I would have gotten anywhere close to 100 had I not had all that time to relax and read. That said, I developed some really good reading habits that have stuck with me since I’ve rejoined the workforce. For context: I read 23 books between January - April, an average of 5.75 books each month. And once I returned to work, I read 9 books in November and am on track to read at least 8 in December.

So what changed?

  1. I stopped listening to audiobooks. Most audiobooks are 8-9 hours for 350-ish pages, and they’re great for long commutes, but in the absence of that, listening to an audiobook just slows me down. I average about 75 pages an hour so it’s much faster for me to read than listen.

  2. I read for anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour each night in bed. And [gasp] I read on my phone. I know I’m supposed to put away electronic devices before bed, but reading helps me fall asleep and reading an ebook has the same calming effect for me as a paper book, with the plus that I can read anywhere!! I’ve asked for a kindle paperwhite for Christmas, so I will have to wait and see if I get one!! If I don’t have lunch plans, I read at lunch too — sneaking 20-30 minutes in here and there really adds up.

  3. I have a very long list of books on hold at the library and get very excited when new ones come in, so it’s a strong motivator for me to stop scrolling social media or watching nonsense on TV and read a book instead.

  4. I have a strong continue or abandon policy - I read 100 pages, and if I’m still into the book I’ll continue, but if I’m not, I’ll abandon it.

  5. I read stuff I enjoy and take recommendations from people I trust and whose taste is similar to mine. I read a lot of YA, romance, mystery — almost all fiction, and i make no apologies for the majority of my books being mainstream and not “literary” masterpieces.

And that’s really it - if you really enjoy what you’re reading, like anything else, you will find pockets of time in your day to do it. The key is to pick books in genres you enjoy, and not pick up books because you feel like you “should” read them. You can keep your reading as private as you like (or not), so really no one needs to judge you, nor should you really care what anyone else thinks anyway!!

Happy reading friends!! My list of my top 10 books for 2019 is coming next week!!!

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