Finding Joy in Simple Things

This is a weird summer. As coronavirus cases spike again, the timeline for returning to a more normal existence such stretches further and further away (well, at least until we have a widely distributed vaccine). Parties and trips feel so unattainable, and while this is deeply disappointing, I’m choosing to find joy closer to home.

I mentioned this earlier, but I’m taking every Friday off in July. This past Friday I took the morning to head over to Edgewater Park to sit under the giant Willow tree and read. I ended up also inviting my friends Allison and Sunny to join me, and let’s just say it turned into more of a chat catch-up and less of a reading session, but it was a lovely way to spend the morning, socially distanced and in nature.

One view from under the willow tree

One view from under the willow tree

I’ve also been finding joy in my garden. I planted a number of flowers earlier this summer, and it’s such a joy to walk outside every morning to see what’s new. And there is something new nearly every day. One of my favorite things to do is to clip flowers and bring them indoors, and because the flowers outside change so much, I have a new bouquet nearly every day!

One of my newest bouquets!

One of my newest bouquets!

Nick and I have been taking a walk around sunset each day to catch the last rays of sunshine, and it been a delight to see the sky all pink and orange. We're lucky to live on the North coast where we get to see the sun both rise and set over the water each day and it’s a reminder that not every city in the country gets to have that. We’re hoping to get out on the water for a little kayaking some time soon, and I’m sure that will be a lot of fun too.

How are you making the most of the season under the current circumstances? Drop me a line in the comments below